SDA Maranatha Sermon PowerPoint Presentations (Pastor Kili):

The Passover Choice (Sabbath Sermon) - Pastor Kili Silafau (2019)

Pastor Kili Silafau - 10 Days of Prayer - Day 2 - Altar Of Burnt Offering

Pastor Kili Silafau - 10 Days of Prayer - Day 4 - Table of Shewbread

Pastor Kili Silafau - 10 Days of Prayer - Day 5 - The Lampstand

Pastor Kili Silafau - 10 Days of Prayer - Day 6 - Altar Of Incense

Pastor Kili Silafau - 10 Days of Prayer - Day 7 - Aaron's Rod

Pastor Kili Silafau - 10 Days of Prayer - Day 8 - The Manna

Pastor Kili Silafau - 10 Days of Prayer - Day 9 - Ten Commandments

Pastor Kili Silafau - 10 Days of Prayer - Day 10 - The Linen Wall

Other Presenters Powerpoints:
Colossians 2:16 – Complete (Powerpoint) – Brother Aaron Earnest (Prayer Meeting, March 03rd, 2020)

Sincerely Dead - (Sabbath Sermon) brother Aaron Earnest (June 22, 2019)

Mark Of The Beast Update (Ministry Time) - brother Aaron Earnest (12 21 2019)

Freely Given (Wed Prayer Meeting) - brother Aaron Earnest (07 10 2019)

O Foolish Galatians (Wed Prayer Meeting) - brother Aaron Earnest (11 27 2019)

DIE at the T (Sabbath Service) - brother Aaron Earnest (08 24 2019)

Sticks & Stones - Do You Stone The Sabbath Breaker (Sabbath) - brother Aaron Earnest (10 19 2019)

Hide & Seek - Investigative Judgment (Sabbath Service) - brother Aaron Earnest (12 21 2019)

Colossians 2:16 Pt 1 (Wed Prayer Meeting) - brother Aaron Earnest (03 03 2020)

DOMINION (Sabbath Service) - brother Aaron Earnest (03 07 2020)


End Time Prophecy Seminar 01 - Amazing Discoveries Prove The Bible Truth - Sister Eta

All The Way - Elder Adam Patel

Portals To The Soul - Elder Adam Patel

A Destructive Union - Elder Adam Patel

Shock Troops - Elder Adam Patel

A Cheap Christian Character - Elder Adam Patel

Call of Duty - Elder Adam Patel

The Open Door - Elder Adam Patel

Time To Mobilize - Elder Adam Patel

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